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Nurturing the qualified and comprehensive child growth development is held through the
activities of stimulations, early detection and interventions of growth development (SEDIGD)
during the critical period since 1988. Government has supported the implementation of
SEDIGD for the Health Manpower in Public Health Center (Puskesmas) through training.
However the research in 2013 found that there was no early detection and stimulation to
the babies visited the Integrated Care Center (Posyandu) in Administrative Village (Kelurahan)
of Kayu Putih. What factors had affected thenon-implemented ofSEDIGDinKelurahan Kayu
Putih? The purpose of this research is to identify the determinants of motivation for the
implementation of SEDIGD to toddlers by cadres of the Integrated Care Center (Posyandu)
in Kelurahan Kayu Putih in 2014. This research used cross sectional design. The samples
were all the 101 cadres of the Integrated Care Center (Posyandu) in Kelurahan Kayu Putih.
The data were analyzed using chi square with the analysis of univariate and bivariate.
Result of the research showed that variables related to themotivationof early detectionof
growth and developmentbycadreswere age(p <0,001, OR=4,6), education(p ==0,043,
OR=2,72), knowledge(p =0.001, OR= 5,29). Conclusion:knowledgedeterminedthe cadres'
motivationin implementingearly detectionandstimulation ofchild growth developmentin
Integrated Care Center (Posyandu).


motivation, stimulation, early detectionof growth and development.

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How to Cite
Aticeh, A., Maryanah, M., & Sukamti, S. (2015). PENGETAHUAN KADER MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI DALAM MELAKUKAN DETEKSI DINI TUMBUH KEMBANG BALITA. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kesehatan, 2(2), 71-76. Retrieved from


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