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Neonatal mortality rate in Indonesia, namely 19 per 1000 live births, is 55,9% ofthe infant
mortality rate.Eventhough there are numbers of Maternal Care Health (MCH) program
implemented, declining neonatal mortality is still slow. Current efforts todecreaseneonatal
mortalityare designed through the provision ofneonatalcarevisits. Theyincludes vitamin
Kinjection, administration ofeye ointment, early detection ofdanger signs, and HB0
immunization. This research aims to examinethe effect of neonatal care, particularly neonatal
visit, in relation toreduce neonatal mortality rate in Indonesia (Analisis Data Riskesdas
2010). This research employedcross sectional design with total number of sample13.859
children those born alive, aged 0-59 months.. Data was analyzed using multiple logistic
regression based on the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). The result shows that the risk of
neonatal death is higher among neonatal who received less than 3 neonatal visitservices
withORadj=12.77 (95%CI1,82 - 89,56) than their counter part who did not receive neonatal
visit ORadj=28.32 (95%CI 3,86 - 208,26). Neonateswith novitamin Kat the time of1st
neonatal visit has higherrisk ofneonatal death, with p value < 0,001 and OR adj 34,5
(95%CI 4,90 - 243,34). This study shows that a high quality of neonatal health services
could prevent neonatal death in Indonesia.


neonatal death, neonatal visits and administration of vitaminK

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How to Cite
Sukamti, S., & Riono, P. (2015). PELAYANAN KESEHATAN NEONATAL BERPENGARUH TERHADAP KEMATIAN NEONATAL DI INDONESIA. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kesehatan, 2(2), 11-19. Retrieved from


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