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The hands-washing is a baseline procedure to prevent one of nosocomial infections such
as phlebitis. Nurses have a major role towards Phlebitis’ incidents because they always
interact with their patients for 24 hours. The aim of this research was determine the
influence of nurses’ compliance to perform hands-washing before inserting IV catheter
towards Phlebitis’ incidents. This research was using Descriptive Correlation design
with Cross Sectional approach. The numbers of sample were 111 nurses and 111
admitted patients which were chosen by proportional stratified random sampling
technique. The data collections were using questionnaires and observational forms. The
bivariate analysis was using Chi Square. The results of this research showed that there is
no significant correlation between nurses’ characteristics with phlebitis’ incidents.
Similarly, there is no significant correlation between nurses’ compliance to perform
hands-washing before inserting IV catheter with phlebitis’ incidents. Meanwhile, there is
a significant correlation among the availability of hands-washing facilities with
phlebitis’ incidents with p value = 0.000. The multivariate analysis was using multiple
logistic regression which showed that the availability of hands-washing facilities is the
most dominant factor to decrease the numbers of phlebitis’ incidents with Odd Ratio


nurses’ compliace, hands-washing, Phlebitis

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How to Cite
Suratun, S., Gustina, G., & Sunardi, S. (2015). PENGARUH KEPATUHAN PERAWAT MELAKUKAN CUCI TANGAN SEBELUM PEMASANGAN INFUS TERHADAP KEJADIAN PHLEBITIS. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kesehatan, 3(1), 115-128. Retrieved from


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