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Childbirth is a natural phenomenon which, for many women subjectively perceived as painful processes that give rise to anxiety and fear simultaneously. Psychology studies have shown that pain is not just a function of the number of physical responses alone, the culture in which we have been educated and brought up also plays an important role in overcoming the pain that gave birth to a distinct personality of the individual self. The purpose of this study was to determine the individual's personality type and labor pain knowledge relationship with the perception of labor pain. This study is used an analytical method with Cross Sectional Survey approach. Data were prospectively taken from interviews and questionnaires at the same time charging at any one time based on the criteria of exclusion and inclusion period till Novemer December 201. The results of analysis of the characteristics by using Chi-Square test showed a significant association between the personality type of individuals with the perception of labor pain (p <0.05). Chi-Square test results show no relationship between knowledge based on individual personality type on the perception of labor pain (p <0.05). Conclusions in this study suggest a link between personality type with the perception of labor pain, labor pain perception on personality type ekstraversi lighter than the pain of labor on introversion personality types and there is a significance relationship between knowledge on the personality type of individuals with the perception of labor pain.


labor pain, ekstraversi and introversion personality types.

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How to Cite
Aticeh, A., Sari, G., & Anggraini, D. (2014). TIPE KEPRIBADIAN DAN PENGETAHUAN IBU BERSALIN DENGAN PERSEPSI NYERI PERSALINAN. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kesehatan, 1(2), 121-127. Retrieved from


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