Author Guidelines

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The title contains a summary of the findings, written in Indonesian or English, up to a maximum of 18 words. The title is written in capital letters and Times New Roman.

(Spasi 1, Font 14, Bold, Centre)

There is no need to write down the research location

Author Name1* (10pt), Author Name(10 pt), Author Name3 DST (10 pt)

(The full written name is listed below the article title without the main author's academic title written first)

1Affiliation, City, State/Province, Country (9 pt)

2Affiliation, City, State/Province, Country (9 pt)

3Affiliation, City, State/Province, Country (9 pt)

(write the name of the University/Poltekkes/Institution; if there is more than one author from different institutions, write different lines. If the authors come from the same institution, no coding will be given) (9 pt)

Institution corresponding author email (format italic) (9 pt)


Artikel history

Received: Month Year (9 pt)

Accepted: Month Year (9 pt)

Published: Month Year (9 pt)



The English abstract contains the introduction, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions, written in one paragraph of a maximum of 500 words. Written in Times News Roman font format, 9 pt, spaced 1, italic, and right and left aligned.

Keywords: 3-5 words or combination of words



Manuscripts are written in Times New Roman in either British or American English. Authors can use A4 paper for the layout, ensuring it has a top-bottom margin of 3.5 cm, a right-left margin of 2 cm, 10 points, two columns, and a 1.5 space density. The author must submit the manuscript as a typed file in Microsoft Word using the provided template. The OJS JKep (Jurnal Keperawatan) receives typed manuscripts via the URL link Although there is no restriction on the number of paragraphs, the contents must contain the background information, the research's goal, its position concerning earlier research endeavors, and the novelty of the research activities conducted. Creating a distinct sub-chapter for a brief theoretical underpinning directly relevant to the article's content is not necessary. The sentence concludes with citations numbered sequentially in the text's order, without any brackets, for example, Text1, Text2,3, and Text4-6.


METHODS (10pt)

The approach includes the design, size, criteria, sample technique, tools used, and methods for data collection, processing, and analysis. When using a questionnaire as a tool, briefly describe its contents and the factors it aims to measure. Instrument validity and reliability should also be described. Interventional procedures or treatments are administered in experimental or intervention investigations that require explanation. This section should detail the protection of respondents' rights and the acquisition of ethical approval for the study. It is not necessary to write down the specifics of the software if it is not original while analyzing data with computer programs. The location of the study is solely relevant to the study itself. If only as a study site, the specifics of the location are not important and are just given in general terms, such as "... at a hospital in Jakarta." For the qualitative research, please explain how the study maintains the validity (trustworthiness) of the data obtained.



The results and discussion at least contain three things, namely: (1) description, (2) interpretation (explanation) of the results of research activities, and (3) discussion (comparative) results compared with the results of previous research activities. The results and discussion section is a unit containing an explanation of the results of the analysis related to the objectives. Each research result is directly discussed. The discussion contains the meaning of research results, which include facts, theories, and opinions. Tables, pictures, or illustrations are written according to the serial number of appearance in the text and given a short title (title of the table or picture is 10pt), long exposure to results, and discussion of  50-60% of articles. The font size in the table can be reduced up to 9pt font and one space density.


Table I. Respondent characteristic……(10pt)
















Conclusions made in one paragraph without citation contain conclusions and suggestions for further research activities.



Contains information of gratitude and appreciation to parties who have participated in the research activities carried out. Can the institutions provide the budget and grants (including the sources and schemes of grants used), the institutions where the research activities are carried out, resource persons, organizations and elements of society, and academicians who have helped carry out research activities?



The references used as much as possible are the latest published in the last five years (at least 75% of at least 15 references). The bibliography is written in chronological order with the serial number (Vancouver System). It is recommended that reference management applications such as EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, and others be used.


Journal article:

  1. Sanadgol N, Miraki Feriz A, Lisboa SF, Joca SRL. Putative role of glial cells in treatment resistance depression: An updated critical literation review and evaluation of single-nuclei transcriptomics data. Life Sci [Internet]. 2023 Oct 15 [cited 2024 Jul 30];331. Available from: doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2023.122025.
  2. Nopa I, Kurniawidjaja LM, Erwandi D. Coping Strategies for Nurses’ Distress in Dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review. J Keperawatan Indones. 2024;27(1):12–24. doi:10.7454/jki.v27i1.1097

Organization website:

  1. The Top 10 Causes of Death [Internet]. 2024 [cited 2024 Nov 12]. Available from: W, Ariesta A, Salamah E. Characteristics of Quality and Solubility Kitosan From Head of Shrimp (Penaeus Monodon) Silase Dregs. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia. 2008;11(2):25-9. doi:10.17844/jphpi.v11i2.917


  1. Ahmad B, Putra DA. Panduan Menulis Karya Ilmiah, 2nd ed. Jakarta: Penerbit Ilmiah Nusantara; 2023. Seri 5, Volume 10. Tersedia di:

Official Document:

  1. Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Panduan Praktik Keperawatan Klinis. Jakarta: Kemenkes RI; 2019.

Conference Proceeding:

  1. Suryani A, Rahmawati D. Efektivitas intervensi keperawatan dalam menurunkan kecemasan pasien preoperatif. Dalam: Arifin H, Supriyadi S, editor. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Keperawatan. Surakarta: Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta; 2022. p. 45-52.


  1. Mahendra DM. Asuhan Keperawatan pada Pasien Post Operatif Apendisitis di RSUD Dr. Kanujoso Djatiwibowo Balikpapan Tahun 2021. Samarinda: Poltekkes Kaltim; 2021.