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Pain in childbirth is painful uterine contractions that can lead to increased
activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Various nursing actions can be done to
alleviate the pain felt maternal among others with hypnobirthing method. As a
result of this pain causes many mothers who choose to labor with sectio Caesaria
in Klaten, Central Java amounted to 24.05% in 2012. The research objective was
to determine the effect of hypnobirthing on the level of pain in the active phase of
the first stage primiparas in Klaten. This type of research is quantitative. The
population is all normal vaginal delivery when the first active phase 30 people
were being treated in Klaten. The sampling technique used is total sampling. The
analysis showed no significant difference on the level of pain in patients who do
hypnobirthing with patients without hypnobirthing in Klaten in 2013 with p value
0.000. With hypnobirthing pregnant women are taught to calm the mind by
focusing and followed by self-hypnosis with affirmations and suggestions to
achieve the birth of a healthy, comfortable and smooth. Conclusion: there is a
significant difference on the level of pain in patients who do hypnobirthing with
patients without hypnobirthing.


Level of pain, hypnobirthing, childbirth

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How to Cite
Surati, K. (2016). PENGARUH HYPNOBIRTHING TERHADAP TINGKAT NYERI PADA KALA I FASE AKTIF PRIMIPARA DI KLATEN. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kesehatan, 4(1), 97-106. Retrieved from


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