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Diabetic patients have a higher risk of amputation in the lower extremity due to
vascular complications caused. All surgical procedures including surgical
amputation have impacts on the patients such as stress, which is due to functional
limitations after amputation. This study aimed to know the coping strategies and
impacts of amputation experienced by the diabetic patients in Bangetayu public
health center, Semarang city. Participants were selected by snowball sampling
technique. Unstructured interviews and observations were used in the data
collection. The data were analyzed using Colaizzi steps which includes obtaining
a clear picture of the phenomenon, taking notes of the obtained data, reading the
transcript repeatedly, determining the meaning of each statement, compiling data
into themes and categories, integrating the results into a narrative description,
and doing validation to the participants. This study resulted in four major themes
which include the impacts experienced by the patients, coping resources, forms of
social support, and coping strategies. The impacts which the patients experienced
include physical, activity, and psychological impacts. The social support was
received from the family and health care workers, and the coping strategies used
were problem focused coping and emotional focused coping.


diabetes mellitus, amputation, coping strategies

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Nugrahaning Dewi, P. S. (2016). STRATEGI KOPING PASIEN DIABETES MELITUS PASCA AMPUTASI (STUDI FENOMENOLOGI). Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kesehatan, 4(1), 86-96. Retrieved from


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