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Effectiveness refers to the intervention’s ability to do more good than harm for the target population in a real world setting. The research is conducted at Health
Polytechnic of Ministry of Health Jakarta III to obtain information on the effect of quality assurance, self-efficacy towards lecturers’ job effectiveness. The research used 60 out of 145 lecturers as the population selected using simple random sampling. The research is conducted by using a method of causal with path analysis. The result of the research showed that: (1). there is direct effect quality assurance on lecturers’ job effectiveness; (2). there is direct effect of self-efficacy on lecturers’ job effectiveness, and (3). there is direct effect of quality assurance on self-efficacy.Therefore, jobeffectiveness of Health Polytechnic lecturer of Ministry of Health Jakarta III can be enhanced by carrying out quality assurance and self-efficacy


Job effectiveness, quality assurance, self-efficacy

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Manurung, S. (2016). MENINGKATKAN EFEKTIVITAS KERJA DOSEN MELALUI PENJAMINAN MUTU DAN EFIKASI DIRI. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kesehatan, 3(2), 137-146. Retrieved from


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