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Newborns health,which is measured by the growth of body in weight and length after born,
is determined by maternal and nenatal factors, particularly the time to pinch or cut placenta
cord..This study aims to examine the relationship betweendelivery method with leaving the
placenta uncut(lotus birth) andthe growth of newborn. This is designed as crosessectional
research, with the use of secondary data from medical record at two maternity clinics in
East Jakarta. The research population is mothersthosegivevaginal birth at the Clinics. The
sampling technique used the total number of population member, namely 111 respondents.
This research results in 63,1% of total sample attended lotus birth with their baby's weight
at birth is 3085 gramon average. Oneweek and one month later, the weight increases to
3431, and 4542,34gram on average respectively. Statistical test analysis T testshows that
the growth of 1 week newborns under lotus birth methode is better than those who use
ordinary birth with significant P value is 0.00. Thus, delaying umbilical cord cut at birth
at lotus birth methode requires further verification.


lotus birth, newborngrowth

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How to Cite
Herlyssa, H., Mulyati, S., & Martini, R. (2015). PERBEDAAN PERTUMBUHAN BAYI BARU LAHIR PADA METODE LOTUS BIRTH. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kesehatan, 2(2), 1-9. Retrieved from


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