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Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health since 2010 has been determined to be the agency in
implementing Financial Management General Services Agency , the Ministry of Health has set
polytechnic become Agencies Public Service Agency , the Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health
should be managed in a sound business and in accordance with the Govermment Regulations .
23 of 2005 section 35 subsection ( 1 ) Officials managers , board of supervisors , and employees
Public Services Agency can be given remuneration based on the level of responsibility and
professionalism required demands . Remuneration is set to the position holder is given the task
to carry out a job . In calculating the remuneration of each position needs to be prepared
beforehand Professional Grade and subsequently as a determining factor in calculating the
remuneration of appraisal work ( Job Value) , so that would be obtained ranking positions ( Job
Grading ) , and corporate Grade.


Policy Public Service Board, remuneration, Job evaluation and Job Grading

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How to Cite
Suranto, S. (2015). KEBIJAKAN PEMBERIAN REMUNERASI TERHADAP PEGAWAI PADA POLTEKKES KEMENKES BADAN LAYANAN UMUM. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kesehatan, 3(1), 139-155. Retrieved from


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