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Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that musculoskeletal disorders, where the
number of events is likely to increase in line with increasing life expectancy of the
population.Physiotherapy is one of the most important factors in the treatment of
osteoarthritis in a comprehensive manner.
This study purpose to compare a more effective method of interference and hold relax
with ultrasound and hold relax to changes within the joint motion additional pain due to
osteoarthritis of the knee joint. This study is experiment quasy by using pretest-posttest two
group design. The study population was all patients with osteoarthritis who visited the
Physiotherapy Polyclinic Hospital Prof. HM. Anwar Makkatutu Bantaeng from January to
April 2015, amounting to 45 people. Samples were obtained by purposive sampling so that
the sample size of 20 people were divided into two groups.
The results showed differences in values actuality significant pain before and after
administration of interference and hold relax with an average difference of 1.94 + 0.72 cm
and a ROM of 16,500 + 5,800 with results Wilcoxon test p = 0.005 <α = 0:05.While the
intervention ultrasound and hold relax obtained by the difference the average value of the
actuality of pain 1:41 + 0:21 cm and ROM of 10.80 + 3.150 by Wilcoxon test results p =
0.005 <α = 0:05.On the Mann-Whitney test obtained significant differences between the two
treatments, the average value of VAS with p = 0.029 <α = 0:05.While in the area of motion
there was no significant difference in the two groups on the value of ROM with p = 0.74> p
= 0:05.
It is concluded that there are changes in the actuality of pain and range of motion
(ROM) before and after administration of hold interference and relax as well as ultrasound
and hold relax on the knee joint osteoarthritis patients.There is no difference in the distance
change of motion (ROM) between the two treatment groups.


Interference, Ultrasound, hold relax, Pain and Distance Motion Knee Joints Osteoarthritis patients

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How to Cite
Hendrik, H., Nurdin T, M., & Ramba, Y. (2015). Pengaruh Pemberian Interferensi dan Ultrasound Pada Penerapan Hold RelaxTerhadap Perubahan Nyeri dan Jarak Gerak Sendi Lutut Pasien Osteoarthritis di RSUD Prof. HM. Anwar Makkatutu Bantaeng. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kesehatan, 3(1), 110-114. Retrieved from


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