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Postpartum fitness plays an important role in improving the quality of life of mothers, so that they are able to take good care of themselves and their babies. Mothers who are physically fit will be more adaptable to their new role as mothers, have more energy, and feel more confident. The postpartum period is a great time to take advantage of health education. The purpose of this study was to produce and describe the feasibility of a product to help provide postpartum education for postpartum mothers. This study used a development research design. The development model used refers to the Borg and Gall Research and Development (R&D) development model. The application design refers to the Social Learning Theory. This theory states that individuals learn through observation, imitation, and modeling. field tests totaled 10 people (3 experts and 7 postpartum mothers). The research data were in the form of quantitative and qualitative data to explore responses and suggestions from material experts and midwife practitioners regarding the edugarlin application. The instrument used was a questionnaire. The data was processed descriptively. the media development at each stage showed an increase in scores towards the very feasible criteria (89.3%). media development at each stage shows an increase in scores towards the very feasible criteria (93.8%). This study produced an android-based application to improve postpartum fitness. Based on expert tests, this media is included in the very feasible category and based on field tests, this media is included in the very feasible category for use in postpartum services. Conclusion of the study The Android-based Edugarlin application can be used by clients and midwives in the field in an effort to improve postpartum fitness. The use of the edurgarlin application has the potential for awareness and practice of improving the quality of postpartum fitness


Edugarlin Application Android Education Quality of Postpartum Fitness

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