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 Iron deficiency anemia is caused by a lack of iron in the blood, which results in reduced hemoglobin (Hb) in the blood. Specific parameters such as ferritin, serum iron, and transferrin to help diagnose iron deficiency anemia are not always available in clinical laboratories and are quite expensive. The Hb level is a common parameter for anemia screening and reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent (Ret-He) is one of the parameters in a hematology analyzer that can describe the availability of iron in the body but is not widely used. This study aims to determine the correlation between the Hb level and Ret-HE values in iron deficiency anemia. This research is an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional design, using medical record data on patients diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. Sampling was carried out by purposive sampling method. The samples were calculated from the correlation calculation formula and obtained 76 data for the minimum sample. Based on inclusion criteria, 90 samples of data were obtained. The statistical test used bivariate analysis with the Pearson/Spearman correlation test. The correlation test was carried out at an α value of 0.05. The results showed that the average Ret-He value was 21.12 pg and the average Hb level was 9.8 g/dL. The data distribution showed an abnormal distribution, then The Sperman correlation test was carried out and obtained a P value = 0.000. The conclusion of the study, there is a positive correlation between Ret-He values and Hb levels in iron deficiency anemia patients. This shows that the Hb Level is directly proportional to the Ret-He value, the lower the Hb level in patients with iron deficiency anemia, then the lower the Ret-He value. This suggests that Ret-HE can also be used to determine iron deficiency anemia.


Hemoglobin Iron deficiency anemia Ret-He

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