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Regional anesthesia (Sub ArachnoidBlock) produces sympathetic blocks of muscle relaxation and sensory block against peripheral temperature receptors thereby inhibiting the compensatory response to temperature. Factors that may cause adecrease in core temperature and disruption of the information path derived from the first receptor are sympathetic blockades that may couse peripheral vasodilatation. To know the relationship between the height of the anesthetic spinal block with the intra operative shivering incidence at Central Surgery RSUD Dr. Soedirman Kebumen The research design was cross sectional. The research sampel were 72 respondents spinal anesthesia patients. The technique of sampling were consecutive sampling. The statistical test was chi square. Of 16 people with high spinal block, (75%) had shivering and 4 people (25%) had no shivering. of 36 people with moderate spinal block 21 people (58,3%) had shivering and 15 people (41,7%) had no shivering. of 20 people with low spinal block 14 people (70%) had shivering and 6 people (30%) had no shivering. Statistical test result using chi square obtained a significant relationship with p value of 0,021 smaller than 0,05 (0,021<0,05). There is a relationship between the height of the anethetic spinal block intra operative shivering incidence at Central Surgery RSUD Dr. Soedirman Kebumen


Shivering, the height of the spinal block, spinal anesthesia

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Olfah, Y., Restuti, S., Majid, A., & Firdaus, S. (2018). Hubungan Ketinggian Blok Spinal Anestesi dengan Kejadian Menggigil (shivering) Intra Operatif di Instalasi Bedah Sentral RSUD dr. Soedirman. JKEP, 3(1), 38-45.


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